CFDCs work to create small businesses that thrive in local economies. Our network engages with CFDCs across Northeastern Ontario to work together to provide quality lending services that bolster local economies.
Chair: Karen Grant, Muskoka Futures
Vice Chair: Carolyn Campbell, LAMBAC
Treasurer: David Brushey, Muskoka Futures
Past Chair: Dan Friyia, SSMCDC
Staff Representative: Linda Semczyszyn, North Claybelt
Staff Representative: Jessica Lafreniere, KDCDC
Staff Representative: Tracy Amos, Superior East CFDC
Board Representative: Anne-Lynn Kucheran, North Claybelt
Board Representative: Bob Griffiths, Parry Sound CB&DC
Board Representative: Chantal Croft, Superior East CFDC
Board Representative: Paul Reid, Nickle Basin CDC
CFNEO Coordinator: Muskoka Futures
What the Community Futures Program Can Do For You!
Community Futures Northeastern Ontario (CFNEO) is an independent network for the 16 Community Futures Development Corporations across Northeastern Ontario. The network began ....
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Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday