Head Start in Business is a Pan-Northern Community Futures Development Corporation project that encourages youth to explore and expand their entrepreneurial potential while remaining in Northern Ontario.

Head Start in Business is a Pan-Northern Community Futures Development Corporation project that encourages youth to explore and expand their entrepreneurial potential while remaining in Northern Ontario.
Head Start in Business has been a driving force in entrepreneurship awareness and initiation for the past 19 years. Over 50,000 youth have participated in our innovative and experiential programs making entrepreneurship more accessible and realistic as a viable career option.
Visit the Head Start in Business Website >>
Visit the Head Start in Business Website >>

How Head Start in Business Helps
- Deliver consistent bilingual experiential programming aimed at introducing the concept of entrepreneurship as a viable career option to youth (4 to 29).
- Bridge the gap between thinking about starting a business and actually starting one.
Connect young people at an early age to their communities and encourage them to seek innovative solutions to the problems they see.
Stem the effects of youth out migration.
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Community Futures Northeastern Ontario (CFNEO) is an independent network for the 16 Community Futures Development Corporations across Northeastern Ontario. The network began ....
Contact Us
Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday